Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lent 2014

Today is the first day of Lent.  In the past during this time, I've given up certain things like Facebook, chocolate, pop, etc.  This year I've decided not to neccesarily give anything up. (Ok, honestly, I was going to give up cookies...seriously, but I've already had about 10 today...seriously, so it's too late.)  Rather, I'm going to spend time remembering and cultivating who God has created me to be.  Last night in a frantic last ditch effort to make Lent meaningful, I turned to Pinterest.   Who doesn't in a time of deep reflection on Jesus' sacrifice?  Of course, there were many pins that held the answer to my search for a meaningful 40 days.  

The first activity I want to complete is this.  

It is a 40 day challenge of 40 generous acts. Day one is "Start a Journal".  So, here I am.  I decided to blog this little adventure because a) I don't have a new journal and b) typing is faster and c) I actually enjoy writing and d) I might end up sharing this blog. 

This challenge encourages you to list all the things you are grateful for. I will list things without all the positive adjectives I would normally use in order to save some time. 
-my husband
-my daughter
-my family
-my friends
-my job
-our church family
-staying at home with my baby for her first few months
-love and support during my mom's passing
-the internet
-cookies (and other food on our table)
-cars that work
-a roof over our heads
I really am thankful for all the good things in my life.  I don't have much to complain about and really should think twice when I do choose to whine about something.  

My husband will be excited about the next adventure.  During my Pinterest search, I found this Photo a Day.  In an attempt to restore some thought and creativity back to my life, I am hoping to use Instagram to document this journey. (My husband will be excited because he set up an account for me over a year ago, but I've never used it.)  Consider this my photo for the day...connecting to Instagram and reconnecting to the blog world.  Follow me @stephbellinger on Instagram!

Also, I will be attempting to keep up with the Bible reading found here.  I'm already behind.

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